12 March 2012

Ready Player One book review

Image courtesy of Goodreads.com
Here's a short review sans spoilers that I just posted on my Goodreads account about Ernest Cline's novel Ready Player One. If you are a lover of books, 80's pop culture, good books, video games, and just books in general, I suggest you do yourself a favor and get your hands on this one right away.

It's been a week since I finished this novel and I still can't stop thinking about it. First of all, if you were born and raised in the 1980s, you'll recognize most, if not all, of the pop culture references (e.g., WarGames, Joust, John Hughes, etc). If you weren't a child of the 80's or aren't familiar with 80's pop culture, you can still appreciate the novel for what it is and the direction it'll take you down the virtual rabbit hole.

I’m not familiar with Ernest Cline's work; in fact, the only other thing I know he penned was the screenplay for Fanboys, which received a fairly mediocre reception when it was released in theatres which is pretty disheartening because I feel it's one of the more underrated buddy films of the last five years. Ready Player One reads like a cinematic adventure: it's fast-paced, features a few action cut scenes, some drama and romance, and some side scrolling. ;)

I don't want to go into the synopsis of the story since that will definitely lead me to spoiling everything for you, but I will tell you this: each chapter is so good I was scared to move forward with the next chapter. Why? Let's just say I liked the suspense, but really, it's because I knew that I'd be one chapter closer to finishing this fantastic novel. I seriously did not want it to end!

I'm also glad that there were no loose ends at the conclusion of Ready Player One. Lately, I feel that the authors of the last few books I've picked up ran out of time (or steam) and had to come up with a conclusion in two pages or less. Cline did an excellent job working his way up to the final showdown in a span of a couple chapters.

Cline's novel is a story that will hold well ten, definitely twenty years, down the road. I will definitely reread it in the future. 

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